The Puna de Atacama, the high desert of Northwest Argentina, is a world apart from ordinary terra-firma. The high peaks of the Andes surround a high desert plateau populated by extinct volcanoes, salt flats, sand dunes, and an expansive pumice stone field — it goes on and on. The landscape seems from another planet, and the light quality is exquisite — desert light on steroids.
So why here of all places? I am more of a forest and woodland photographer. Well, I also love the desert—the desert is my alter ego, a place where the light is different, and the landscape is often strange. So this place fed my alter ego in a way that it had not been fed before, indeed it nourished my soul. As I look over my files, I find much more sky than in my usual images, and indeed the sky was often the main event with the ground below being a supporting element. Evolution takes many forms and there is nothing creatively worse than being in a rut. So evolve.
What began as casual surfing evolved into an 11-day photographic adventure to this special place. It begs for an encore. Follow me now on a visual journey through the Puna in Argentina.
It starts and ends in twilight, the bookends of the day when there is a soft glow in the sky and low contrast that even film can handle. Color in the sky is reflected onto the land below rendering soft hues and subtle pastels. What about the in-between times? Well, it depends to a degree on the weather and whether you need sleep from the predawn waking. A worn-out photographer usually makes sub-par images; get some sleep —it’s a creative tool. Then you can make the most of what is given, from twilight, to cloudy, to harsh direct sun. There are many moods to interpret if you are receptive.
Seeing a new location properly takes time, and rushing blindly to “get the shot” often leads to failure. Taking time to watch the light unfold at different times of the day and from different angles ultimately yields more high-quality images. Prescience to predict WHERE and WHEN the right place will be is a study in patience and perseverance, with a dash of luck. And then sometimes there is serendipity when conditions gel at just the right time.
This portfolio barely begins to explore the possibilities in this expansive place. There are areas of concentrated subject matter, but an interesting image can be made almost anywhere. The light will be more predictable in the dry season, but the skies more interesting at other times. Wind, heat, cold, and altitude all combine to present challenges, but the Puna is as compelling as the challenges to be faced. Private tours can be arranged for small groups.