ELEMENTS Fall Color Special

ELEMENTS Fall Color issue

Pleased, honored, and humbled. That about covers it. Happy to inform you that a collection of my fall color images are included in this special fall color edition of ELEMENTS photography e-magazine. A quick review of the other contributors explains the honored and humbled part

You may have heard about ELEMENTS before, and if you subscribe already, then great! You are on the trail to photographic inspiration. If not, then it is time to find out what you have been missing. You may not have heard about many of the photographers featured in its pages. Some are true legends in our craft, and others will be in their due time. For the rest of us non-legendary photographers it’s a wonderful source of inspiration. It’s a great place to see how others see the world; we each have our own way of seeing, but a different perspective can widen our own view and open new possibilities.

Life is about learning and that should never stop. Here is yet another great tool to facilitate your life-long learning and avoid stagnation. That’s an ugly word, stagnation, the antithesis of creativity.

There are several reasons to subscribe that immediately come to mind.

1- Support the magazine that in turn supports many talented photographers by giving them a platform to showcase their work.

2- Learn. Charlie Cramer's photoshop column is worth the subscription price alone. Everything else is a bonus.

3- See what other photographers see and how they see differently.

4- Become inspired.

5- Become a better photographer.


A 10% discount off the yearly subscription price is available to you using the discount code FALL10.


Color is coming. Be prepared to get out there

 May You Walk in Beauty



Nye Simmons